CoFo Market Overview: Market Invigoration
Prices keep accumulating, pushing toward upper limits.
CoFo Scout
Dominant direction: Short
Dominance Strength: 19% of 100%
Timeframe Dominance: 84% of 100%
Dominant direction: Short
Dominance Strength: 0% of 100%
Timeframe Dominance: 50% of 100%
Dominant direction: Short
Dominance Rate: 33% of 100%
Timeframe Dominance: 100% of 100%
Dominant direction: Short
Dominance Strength: 23% of 100%
Timeframe Dominance: 87% of 100%
Dominant direction: Long
Dominance Strength: 5% of 100%
Timeframe Dominance: 58% of 100%
Lower timeframe dominance increased into neutral-bullish zones. Medium-term still shows quite strong shorts. Global decorrelation emerging - shorts strengthening on some assets, longs on others.
Scattered dominant direction values, insignificant dominance. Short BTC dominance persists but weakening, like the broader market.
For buys, greater lower timeframe long dominance and at least neutral medium-term indicators ideal - given persisting global longs.
In summary: Mixed dominance picture, local flats, short-term shorts fading. Longs need local long dominance and medium-term neutral readings, shorts require higher timeframe short boosts.
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