📊 Cofo Lab Market Overview: Strong Divergence Amid Attempt to Regain Bull Trend

Analysis and Forecasts
2023-09-19 11:34:41

⚠️ Disclaimer: This analysis does not constitute financial advice. We provide analytics only. All market decisions should involve your own analysis, using additional sources solely for confirmation or insight.

Previously we noted assets entering overbought zones locally - the expected seller response has played out. Does increased pressure change the landscape?

🗣 What clues does the Collective Forecast toolkit provide?

Survey Tool

Let's take a look at the latest data from our Collective Forecast survey tool:

Key Metrics


Dominant Direction: Short

Dominance Coefficient: 14% out of 100%

Timeframe Dominance: 71% out of 100%


Dominant Direction: Short

Dominance Coefficient: 4% out of 100%

Timeframe Dominance: 56% out of 100%


Dominant Direction: Short

Dominance Coefficient: 35% out of 100%

Timeframe Dominance: 100% out of 100%


Dominant Direction: Long

Dominance Coefficient: 25% out of 100%

Timeframe Dominance: 89% out of 100%

❕ For context, we consider dominance above 35% significant.


A significant asset divergence emerged, especially on local and medium timeframes. Longs broadly declined, with most shifting short, including BTC and ETH. However timeframe synchronization is lacking in both directions. High uncertainty persists. Assets currently sit in less favorable zones for longs.

TRX and AVAX remain noteworthy with substantial short and long exposure - TRX reached 35% dominance.


Now examining the Collective Forecast indicators across timeframes:


No global changes: BTC sticks at the weekly/daily trendline break point, aiming to regain the bull trend.

Medium timeframes show an uptrend with some weak shorts.

Lower timeframes indicate trying to reclaim the lost local bull trend amid weak longs.


Globally assets continue accumulating long signals and convergences, testing the downtrend to enter upward daily/12-hour trends.

Medium term alts remain long in the bull trend, but minor shorts emerged.

Locally the picture is fractured with heavy asset divergence.

In summary, as of September 19 UTC morning, strong divergence and rising shorts dominate. Globally, uncertainty persists with BTC seeking to regain the bull trend.

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