CoFo Lab Market Overview: Bears Capitalize on Rejection

Analysis and Forecasts
2023-10-05 20:11:51

The failed breakout attempt gave sellers control again.

What clues does the Collective Forecast toolkit provide?

Survey Tool

Let's examine the latest data from our Collective Forecast survey tool:

Key Metrics


Dominant Direction: Short

Dominance Coefficient: 26% of 100%

Timeframe Dominance: 90% of 100%


Dominant Direction: Short

Dominance Coefficient: 1% of 100%

Timeframe Dominance: 51% of 100%


Dominant Direction: Short

Dominance Coefficient: 32% of 100%

Timeframe Dominance: 90% of 100%


Dominant Direction: Short

Dominance Coefficient: 33% of 100%

Timeframe Dominance: 100% of 100%

Indicators largely unchanged. Some assets see increased short dominance. Mixed picture across timeframes.

BTC short dominance decreased slightly. Altcoins LINK and TRX approaching significance threshold. TRX remains risky with recent bullish interest.


Examining Collective Forecast signals across timeframes:


Globally, after recent growth, the asset is in the sales zone, selling pressure.

Medium term - bullish trend, short signals. Volumes are on the side of the bears, but with a minimal advantage.

On lower timeframes, the bulls gave momentum, but the seller quickly responded by returning the price. Now there are short signals, selling pressure. An attempt to break the local trend.


Global bearish activity on altcoins continues. The trend remains largely bearish. Some assets are signaling a new wave of decline.

A downward trend is developing in the medium term, assets are moving into the oversold zone.

A locally failed attempt to break into the bullish trend gave the bears the opportunity to take the initiative, which they took advantage of. Decline. Short signals on indicators, indications of a new downward wave.

As of October 5 evening, short dominance on alts, mostly bearish signals. No local reversal signs yet.

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