CoFo Lab Market Watch: Going Nowhere

Analysis and Forecasts
2023-10-27 12:39:01

BTC price heading nowhere, indicating impotent market forces. CoFo Scout shows neither side has strength.

CoFo Scout


Dominant Direction: Short

Dominance Strength: 15% of 100%

Timeframe Dominance: 78% of 100%


Dominant Direction: Short

Dominance Strength: 2% of 100%

Timeframe Dominance: 53% of 100%


Dominant direction: Short

Dominance Rate: 21% of 100%

Timeframe Dominance: 89% of 100%


Dominant direction: Short

Dominance Strength: 7% of 100%

Timeframe Dominance: 65% of 100%

Locally mixed with long signal prevalence. Lower timeframe dominance direction constantly shifting.

Medium-term priority is shorts but weakening strength.

Shorts gradually moving to global timeframes but remaining global longs still strong for now.

BTC dominated by shorts but declining strength and sync.

Following altcoins show bearish prevalence.

In summary: Rangebound market accumulating breakout strength. More significant confirmations needed for positions.

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