Lagarde Relays Son's Crypto Losses After Brushing Off Warnings

General News
2023-11-27 16:19:00

European Central Bank (ECB) president and prominent Bitcoin BTC critic Christine Lagarde has shared a family story about unsuccessful cryptocurrency investments, according to a report from Reuters.

Lagarde told students at a town hall in Frankfurt on Nov. 24 that her son lost “almost all” of his investments in crypto assets despite persistent warnings, Reuters reported.

“He ignored me royally, which is his privilege,” Lagarde reportedly declared, adding that he lost “almost all the money he had invested.”

The ECB chief didn’t disclose the sum her son lost, noting that he claimed it wasn’t “a lot,” but only “about 60%” of his crypto investments. “So when I then had another talk with him about it, he reluctantly accepted that I was right,” Lagarde reportedly stated, adding:

“I have, as you can tell, a very low opinion of cryptos [...] People are free to invest their money where they want, people are free to speculate as much as they want, (but) people should not be free to participate in criminally sanctioned trade and businesses.”


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