Michael Saylor Fights Off Daily Wave of AI-Generated Scam Videos

Security Technologies
2024-01-16 16:38:14

MicroStrategy's Executive Chairman, Michael Saylor, is actively combating a daily deluge of about 80 artificial intelligence (AI)-generated deepfake videos. These videos predominantly push Bitcoin-related scams. Saylor, in a recent communication to his 3.2 million followers, emphasized the widespread issue of these deceptive videos on YouTube. He stressed that there's no such thing as a risk-free method to double Bitcoin investments. Additionally, he clarified that MicroStrategy is not involved in such dubious practices.

The deepfakes typically lure viewers with the false promise of doubling their money. They encourage viewers to scan a QR code, which then directs them to a scammer's Bitcoin address. This tactic isn't a new phenomenon. Similar deceptive videos featuring Elon Musk circulated in 2022.

The issue extends beyond individual cases. Recently, a deepfake of Solana co-founder Anatoly Yakovenko surfaced on YouTube and social media. Austin Federa, from the Solana Foundation, has observed a significant rise in AI-generated content, including deepfakes.

Cybersecurity experts have expressed concerns that advancements in AI will make deepfakes increasingly convincing. This evolution could escalate the complexity of phishing attacks. CertiK blockchain analyst Jesse Leclere and 0xScope researcher Jerry Peng have both highlighted the growing sophistication of these threats.

In response to these emerging challenges, U.S. law enforcement officials issued a warning earlier in January. They noted that generative AI tools are lowering the technical barriers for potential scammers. Despite these challenges, NSA's director of cybersecurity, Rob Joyce, sees a silver lining. He believes AI could also enhance the authorities' ability to detect and combat illegal activities more effectively.


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